Canada's Still Eighteen erupt on newest single, "The Devil's Gonna Take Me"

Review by Austin Sher

Canadian rock and rollers, Still Eighteen, are back with a fantastic new single, titled “The Devil’s Gonna Take Me”. Read along for an in depth look on their brand new song, as well as a dive into the band!

Consisting of Joey, Samantha, and Karen, these are the three legit musicians who make up the band, Still Eighteen. Following up the release of their previous single, “The Impossible”, comes another head banger of a track, “The Devil’s Gonna Take Me”. Based off of our first listen, we’re sold on Still Eighteen! This band is by no means average, in fact, quite the opposite. 

While this newest song comes in at just a tad over 3 minutes, it certainly left us wanting more as quickly as it ended. It hardly overstayed its welcome and I wish there was a shredding solo placed in there somewhere. Otherwise, a fantastic genre mixing single that all should be listening to! It’s the kind of song you want to be listening to while cruising down the highway, singing in the shower, or pinned to the rail head banging at a show of there’s. 

Overall the instrumentation is pretty straightforward for a rock song, it doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel, and honestly that’s ok. I think what really shines is the vocals being shared by members of the band, instead of just having one lead. The backup vocals were memorable as well and overall the harmonies really synced up in a nice and pleasant way. 

I’ll be honest though, this is definitely the type of song you’ll be humming minutes after you’ve listened and definitely for days after as well. It’s catchy, has all the right hooks, and is overall just a really enjoyable song that we hope is part of possibly an upcoming EP or LP. 

If you’re unfamiliar with Still Eighteen’s discography or would like to get to know the band on a more personal level, make sure to check out the following links to keep up with the latest!

Listen to “The Devil’s Gonna Take Me”





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