Shyli Madhala creates jaw dropping experience on debut, "Pink For My Money"

Jaw dropping isn’t a describer we use too often, however Shyli Madhala’s debut single “Pink For My Money” can only be described as that. We love it! Please read on for our full in-depth look at the track, as well as a much needed background on this emerging artist.

Inspired and influenced by some of the greats such as Otis Redding, Peggy Lee, and Janis Joplin, Shyli Madhala has still managed to carve out an incredibly unique sound for herself on her debut “Pink For My Money”. Seamlessly blending genres and creating fans in us after just one song, every single facet of this song was more an experience than a standard song listen. Without a doubt, we sincerely cannot wait for everyone to get their ears on this one.

Putting together quite the team and immense amounts of effort to get this song recorded, produced, and mixed, the final product surpassed all of our wildest expectations for what we thought it was going to be. Immediately as soon as it all begins, the listener is introduced to Shyli’s vocal range that doesn’t hesitate to show off exactly what it can achieve. Hitting almost unobtainable notes that feature such passion and suspense, the song evokes cabaret vibes that are guaranteed to have you feeling some type of way.

Intertwined with an emotional piano and highly topical spoken word passages, the song borders the line of vintage and modern all at the same time. On the background of the song though, Shyli says, “‘Pink For My Money’ is my most honest truth about some of my most painful feelings growing up as a woman and a celebration of who I am, as I am.”. We always commend an artist like that who has no problem introducing themselves at their most vulnerable, especially for a debut single where so much is on the line.

Without spoiling the entirety of the song and the positive feelings it’s going to give you, do yourselves a huge favor and check out the links below to listen and follow along. We’ve truly been taken aback by this song and really cannot wait for a follow up to see just exactly how Shyli Madhala plans to top herself. Either way, we’ll be ready when that time comes.

Listen to “Pink For My Money”

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