Shiva Bliss fuses a diverse & cultural single, "Mahishasura Mardini"

Emphatic in its sound and fusing together a multitude of diversity, Shiva Bliss’ latest single “Mahishasura Mardini” is a true spectacle. Don’t miss it! Read on for our in-depth look of the track, as well as a background on this artist.

Fusing together multiple languages on “Mahishasura Mardini” and a seemingly endless amount of instrumentation, Kenya-based artist Shiva Bliss has gone above and beyond on his latest effort. Featuring classical vocals from Priyani Punditt that set the mood from the beginning, Shiva’s Hip-Hop influences quickly show themselves on the track as well. If you’re looking to expand your musical horizons into another realm, this is surely the song for you.

Crediting Tupac Shakur, Raftaar, and more as his influences, we did feel that this is certainly a complete sound that is like nothing else we’ve ever experienced. Honestly, with such cultural inspiration coming through from so many parts of the world, the listener receives his pride in African and Indian heritage throughout. The song shows its versatility through a completely fun production and “Mahishasura Mardini” is one of those tracks that we’d recommend you crank up loud in volume for the maximum effect.

At just a little over three minutes in complete run time, Shiva Bliss delivers the best of all his worlds and a unique showcase of his flawless lyrical flow too. We’ll be honest, it is quite easy to get distracted with all that’s going on in just one second, which is why you should definitely give it a few listens as to really break down what you’re hearing. On our end it was also semi difficult to extrapolate the message as the entirety of the song is not all in English, but with that being said the emotions and passion come through clearly. You don’t always need to understand the message in order to get the intended feeling.

You’ll probably notice this isn’t the typical type of song we review regularly, however we’ve so quickly come to love it, which is why we want you to check it out more than anything. It’s legitimately a masterclass in how to correctly structure a song. Do yourselves a favor and click those links below in order to get listening and follow along with Shiva Bliss for everything else he’s got on the way too.

Listen to “Mahishasura Mardini”



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