SCREENS shift sound on explosive stripped back single, "Standing Still"

Starting the year off strong with another preview off their upcoming album, “Standing Still” from SCREENS is undeniably a hit. Please read on for our full look at the track, as well as a refresher on this band.

Covering deep themes surrounding depression, the underdogs, and the broken-hearted, SCREENS’s latest thriller “Standing Still” is another reason why this band is just waiting for a break out. With a new album titled Lie Lie Lie prepping for release this March, everything they’ve shared so far has been magnificent. If this is your introduction to their sound, prepare yourselves for a treat.

Described by the band as potentially their most honest and stripped-down track yet, SCREENS has really infused their influences on this one ranging from The Cure to Nick Cave. However what they keep implementing is so much originality in literally every other aspect. Speaking directly on “Standing Still”, it gives those dark and emotional overtones on the surface, but when you peel back the veil, you get an immensely strong lyrical and vocal performance that drives all the passion.

Comparing to their other released singles, it’s a definite change of pace in style, but it also goes to show the band’s breadth of genre. They’re not afraid to experiment obviously and it’s song just like these that prepare them for a fruitful future filled with twists and turns that old and new listeners will come to love. Another thing we feel the need to point is just how well their music is going to translate in a live setting. In fact, they’ve got a European tour planned for this year (COVID pending), so if they’re coming to a city near you, don’t miss them.

Legitimately, it would be hard to point out a glaring problem or major critique with this song. It personally checks all our boxes for a song that touches on so many marvelous moments and really continues to show off the highs that the band is capable of. March isn’t too far away from this being posted, so you’ve got to make sure you keep up with everything they’ve got on the heels of Lie Lie Lie. How can you do that? Well, we’ve included all the most important links below so that you can listen, follow along, and stay tuned for everything on the way!

Listen to “Standing Still”




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