Lindsey Ferguson gets personal on cinematic album, "Being A Girl"

Highlighting the many experiences of her life, Lindsey Ferguson’s latest album Being A Girl is a direct line to her innermost moments. Read on for our full review of the record, in addition to a background on the artist.

Currently based out of Los Angeles, Lindsey Ferguson is a true artist in the sense that she sings, writes, paints, and even creates films. Having always been involved in music though, we found Being A Girl to be her true calling in every sense of a living breathing piece of art. Detailing her most intimate moments between 2018 - 2021, this record gets extremely personal, but in a touching and heartfelt way. We can’t wait for everyone out there to give a listen.

Going through moments like quarantine with her parents, heartbreak, anxiety, and depression, Lindsey honestly gives the listener a runaround with all these incredible moments. As lyrically profound and intense as some songs get though, the constant of it all is her dynamic vocals that blow everything else out of the water. Sincerely, as dense as Being A Girl feels at moments, she lightens the mood consistently with how she bends her voice on the delivery.

Specifically, songs like “A Piece of a Park” and “Kingsman” proved to be standouts for us. Whether it was the feeling that we’d been transported to a full on musical, or really just the cinematic elements and styles portrayed, those were enough to keep our listening joyful. Another thing that we overwhelmingly need to point out is the adaptability of this record into a live action show or Broadway show. We’ve all had our personal moments of craziness over the past 3 years, but the flow of this album would fit so nicely with visual components. 

Without spoiling too much else, let us make it super clear that Lindsey Ferguson has something super special on her hands here. This isn’t your average record that goes in one ear and out the other, rather something that leaves an impression on all those willing to listen and connect the dots. Do yourselves a big favor and please listen, as well as following along on her social media to keep up with whatever’s next. Enjoy!

Listen to Being A Girl

Artist Website



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