Samantha Margret & Primary Being collaborate on pop-centric single, "Banana"

Virtually guaranteed to get stuck in your head instantly, Samantha Margret has teamed up with producer Primary Being for an all new single, “Banana”. Please read on for our full review of the track, as well as a background on these artists.

On this fantastic collaboration between LA singer/songwriter Samantha Margret and multitalented producer Primary Being, the two have put their heads together for a downtempo pop track that’s lyrically like nothing we’ve heard. Described as a “deliciously odd sweet treat”, it’ll all make perfect sense once you hit that play button. We’re loving this song and legitimately haven’t been able to get it out of our heads!

With Samantha in LA and Primary Being in Australia, this was a remote opportunity that we’re thrilled finally got completed. As we’ve reviewed Samantha before, we knew what to expect on her end, which is basically a sultry vocal performance that’ll send shivers down your spine. However the focused yet expansive production featured here from her counterpart is what took this song from good to great. At just a tad over two minutes in length, our only legitimate “complaint” is that it’s not nearly as long as we’d love it to be, otherwise it’s gold.

Says Samantha on the background of the track, “I write silly little songs about household stuff. I started singing this banana line over and over to annoy my partner, and then he said, "at least you aren't producing that one," so, of course, I made a verse-chorus demo”. From a minor annoyance to an earworm of a pop single, who said music needs to be outright serious in order for it to evoke emotion and passion. What she’s accomplished here with basically a repeated line is literally the definition of thinking outside the box. In a crowded genre like this, these are the types of songs that tend to stand out at the end of the day.

While both artist’s discographies are surely worth your time and effort to explore, you should absolutely get yourselves started with a listen of “Banana”. Follow along on their social media and click all those links below to stay updated!

Listen to “Banana”

Samantha Margret - Spotify

Primary Being - Spotify

Samantha Margret - Instagram

Primary Being - Instagram

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