Sam Feinstein crafts an innovative new sound on "Chasing the Bull"

Giving us grooves, a relatable story, and a whole lot of pizzazz, Sam Feinstein has gone above and beyond with his newest single, “Chasing the Bull”. Keep reading for a closer look at the track, in addition to a background on this emerging artist.

Self-described as an amalgamation of Tom Waits, Modest Mouse, and more, the music of Sam Feinstein is still unbelievably fresh sounding and unique in its messaging. He’s using his “gruff” vocal style and a varied instrumentation to deliver something that fits outside the mainstream and has served as a perfect introduction to the rest of his tunes. Needless to say, we’re highly recommending all hit the play button on this as soon as you can.

On the background of “Chasing the Bull”, Sam was essentially inspired “by the prominence of crypto and NFT scams and the lack of consequences for those perpetrating these scams”. In the NFT space, which is definitely the wild west of art, music, and beyond, we fully believe that no one has any idea what’s going on or what’s happening. However, Sam’s single so perfectly describes the experience within the song as he takes on the character of “a two-faced scam-artist trying to part unsuspecting victims from their hard-earned cash”. To be honest, it’s actually shocking that something like this wasn’t done sooner, but we’re thrilled almost beyond words that it exists and that he so eloquently summed up the horrible experience.

Putting the message aside for just a moment though, the innovation on the production and instrumentals are just as unique as the themes. Sam’s vocals fit into the mood ideally, there’s tons of grooves within the bassline, and even the entire composition breaks the mold of what a “normal” song should sound like. It piques your interest from the opening notes and 100% holds your attention as you begin to break down what exactly you’re hearing and what it’s all about. As we neared the end, we truly felt a profound sense of appreciation for how new it all sounded and are now eagerly waiting for more in the same vein.

While we patiently wait though, please go ahead and check out the links below to listen, follow along, and to keep up with all future releases and information.

Listen to “Chasing the Bull”




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