Monkaman impresses on his brilliant debut album, "All or Nuthing"

Review by Austin Sher

Recently released this past week, Monkaman has put out his debut full length album, All or Nuthing. Read along with us as we give our thoughts on the record, as well as a bit of background info on the artist as well.

Monkaman, also know as Jayden Kelln, is an up and coming rapper who has thousands of views from the YouTube platform. He has been innovating his sound for more than five years and producing/writing both albums and singles. Many of the projects he has worked on have been positive from many fans and new listeners alike. He’s dreaming of making an influential impact on this Earth as much as possible whether big or small. However you can decide that by just giving a listen to my projects and the new album.

Like any good hip hop album of any generation, the record opens up with a skit that not only sets the tone, but has some humor behind it as well. Coming in at a track length of 13 and a runtime of a little over 30 minutes, All or Nuthing is an album that doesn’t overstay its welcome in the slightest, but gets its message across with the time allotted. If you’re looking for a good time, if you’re looking to have fun with music, then look no further, because this album is for you.

While the production and beats on the album are surely original and innovative, the standout for us was obviously the flow. Monkaman makes it clear that he’s having a good time on the album, not only with the varied lyrics, but the overall themes that are covered as well.

We thoroughly enjoyed what we heard on the album from start to finish, but like any album, we had favorites! While we highly recommend checking out the full thing, we were particularly partial to “Big Mac”, “Can’t Stay The Same”, and “Bye Bye”. That’s not to say the rest of it wasn’t great, but these tracks stood out for good reason.

With that being said, stop reading and start listening! For everything Monkaman, please check out the following links below.

Listen to All or Nuthing


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