Damo FYE puts forth his top-notch debut EP, titled "Summer Nights"

Review by Austin Sher

Released this week on August 16th, 2020, Damo FYE has just debuted his banger of an EP, titled Summer Nights. Read along with us as we give our thoughts on the record, as well as a bit of insight into that artist as well.

Foror Damo FYE, it all started early. As a timeless spirit growing up in a large family network in KC, he fully embraced an environment ripe for competition. Wanting to stand out more than stand in place, Damo (the FYE had not been born yet) threw himself into anything that piqued his interest and fueled his Inner-G. Video game contests with the cousins were only the beginning. Football, basketball, poetry, even taking tests fed his Inner-G. Not long after his 18th birthday Damo struck out on his own. And that’s when he found his Ego.


Damo FYE is the culmination of all his experiences after stepping into his manhood. It was clear that music was his path. Music had been a part of his family lineage and Hip Hop had been the soundtrack to most of his days. In addition to his solo work, he also works with a music collective called WAPGang (Wild and Peaceful). They’rereally just getting started and trying to gather resources and a team to help push the artists, but even just with the mentorship and help of Bump Jones, WAPGang is starting to make waves in the Kansas City Music scene. Wild and Peaceful is all about duality.. Sometimes you want to be the most Zen person in the room and sometimes you wanna be the most lit in the party, but you always gotta let your light shine!


Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves a bit with the background of Damo FYE, it’s time to dig into the record. Coming in at 9 songs and a 21 minute run time, Summer Nights is perfect for exactly that, chilling with this on a hot summer night hanging with your friends. It’s the type of record that works both ways, while it’s preferred to listen to closely so you can break down the lyrics and themes, it also works in the background where you can stream it and just bob your head to it.


Overall, the beats were strong and the production quite high, especially for a debut. We’d almost consider this to be a full length album, even though the runtime is short. Honestly, by the end of it, we were truly hoping it would go on for another 20 minutes or so. There’s enough present on the album that continuously piques the listeners interest, it begs for a follow up, with maybe some B-sides on the way?


While we thoroughly enjoyed our multiple listens of Summer Nights, we definitely had our standout tracks. Take the time to at least listen to “CigSmoke”, “HowTheTownIs”, and the album closer, “BreathInn.”. All are seriously fantastic, from the lyricism, flow, and beats, Damo FYE really knocked it out of the park here. We can’t wait to hear more hopefully soon!


For all things Damo FYE, to listen to Summer Nights, and to keep up with all news and future releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Summer Nights





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