Jordan Carr delivers a grand performance on brand new EP, Neapolitan Man

Review by Austin Sher

The newest project from Jordan Carr has officially been released and we’re loving what we’re hearing! Read along with us as we break down our thoughts on Jordan’s newest EP, Neapolitan Man.

Composed of three wonderful and unique tracks, Jordan Carr has done it once again with this thought provoking, instrumentally diverse, and slow burner of an EP. Before we dive right into the rest, it’s always best to get a bit familiar with the artist and the history behind the work.

This longtime Minnesota singer and songwriter is familiar with change. He’s gone from pop punk frontman (Forever Dumb) to booze-soaked troubadour (Jordan Carr & The Boys) with only a small jail sentence in between. 
 Today, he’s quarantined with his lovely partner and adorable newborn, so it’s time for some brand new tunes. Neapolitan Man was born in quarantine but conceived, in the old world, behind the Hodges Bend bar in St. Paul, MN over daiquiris. 

He’s pouring all his efforts into recording demos in his basement before giving them to a variety of producers. He wants to see just where his songs can go. He wants to continue figuring out just who the hell Jordan Carr really is. 
 Fans that know him for his whiskey-soaked tales of empty bottles and endless nights might be surprised at the results, but they won’t be disappointed. The uncut sincerity and solid arrangements are still there. They’ve just been tweaked with maturity, wisdom and just a hint of cabin fever… and that’s before producers like Colin Scharf, Jesse “Turf” McInturff and Justin “Sippy” Sapp work their own brands of unique magic which make up Carr’s new album, Neapolitan Man.

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself a bit with the past work of Jordan, it’s time to delve into his newest piece of work. Our first impressions of the EP were immediately, how could we possibly pick a favorite between these three tracks. While they’re similar in feeling and instrumentation to a degree, it’s still difficult to pick, because they all hit in different ways. Knowing a bit about Jordan’s past musical projects, it’s become a tad easier to tell where certain pop punk influences, yet the lyricism plays to something a bit more serious.

On a full album, we’d typically recommend listening to the highlights if you’re not feeling a full record listen. However in this situation, it’s three fantastic tracks that won’t disappoint in the slightest. They’re full of power, emotion, and impeccable vocal delivery. If you’ve made it this far into the review, we’re not going to continue to spoil these songs in any way, so please just do yourself a favor and listen.

In addition to the music though, Jordan Carr has some fantastic merch on his Bandcamp which we’d also highly recommend checking out. With that being said, it’s time to listen! For all things Jordan Carr, to listen to the album, and to follow along for the latest releases and info, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Neapolitan Man





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