Lyle Oliver caps his 2022 with a compilation EP, "Believe"

The culmination of literal years of hard work has arrived as Lyle Oliver has just shared his newest compilation EP, Believe. Keep reading as we share our thoughts on the record, as well as an always needed update on this talented artist.

His name is definitely familiar by now if you’ve been keeping up with our posts, but just in case you’re not familiar, Lyle Oliver is an immensely prolific singer and songwriter currently based out of Thornbury, Ontario. We’ve been covering his work extensively throughout the year and beyond, especially some of the songs you’re about to hear. However, he’s decided to release this compilation record titled Believe that ultimately shows off examples of his “greatest hits” so far. If you’ve yet to experience his music, this is the ideal piece of music to dip your toes into for more.

Separately we’ve stated our love for each of these four singles, but during this EP’s 13 minute runtime, it really displays front and center the incredible amount of versatility in sound that Lyle Oliver is capable of. For lack of a better describer, we’ve honestly found Believe to be like a buffet of what Lyle does best, puts his songwriting first and foremost and is always eloquently backed up by an inspired instrumentation. For example, the opener “Hold On” gives you a taste of Lyle’s more fast paced country sound, whereas “Dear John Letter” urges you to reflect and actually feel the heart and soul of the song. All of the greatness can be attributed to true to life lyrics, but it’s impossible to get through this record without feeling that emphatic delivery via the vocals.

With so many stellar singles shared during 2022, everything about Believe feels like a sentimental capstone to a monumental year for Lyle Oliver. Getting to witness his rise of notoriety, all the while audibly experiencing his strides as a musician has been such a highlight of our year too. Without spoiling much else, of course we’re urging you to fit this in your listening schedule as soon as possible. We’ve provided everything you need below to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for all the big things 2023 has to offer. Enjoy!

Listen to Believe


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