Lines In The Sky examine their latest prog-inspired single, "Speed" - Interview

Back at it with their first new single of 2023 titled “Speed”, we got the chance to sit with all of the members of Lines In The Sky to explore the track. Do yourselves a favor and check out our interview with the band below.

Making waves all across the rock scene with their consistent and complex rhythms, Lines In The Sky have surpassed our wildest expectations once again with an all new single titled “Speed”. For those potentially out of the loop on this band, they’re made up of Jesse Brock, Bowman Brock, and Nick Mills. Each of the members bring their own unique spin and taste into the mix, but undoubtedly they work incredibly well together as they’re continually experimenting with their sound and elevating on each subsequent release. Without a doubt, we’re urging everyone to give our conversation and this song a listen.

Where Lines In The Sky continue to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack is the spirit, passion, and unbridled love they have for music as a whole. Immediately as the first notes sound off on “Speed”, there’s this bass line that kicks in that literally gives you whiplash as you attempt to follow along with it. As the song chugs along, all of the band’s prog influences shine through yet there's plenty of modern rock elements infused in to really balance it all out. The instrumental portions are outrageous in their aim to be original and fresh, but honestly, it’s the uniqueness in the vocal cadence and delivery that possibly stands out the most. Every moment of the track is pure expression, melody, and alternative authenticity cranked up to a 10. This was actually our introduction to the band as a whole, but we obviously took the opportunity to explore more once we finished our initial listen. 

Not to spoil our conversation, but there were some definite highlights, specifically on how the band dynamic works in terms of process and creation. No two artists are the same, especially with what they bring to the table, but it was such a bright spot to see and learn how Lines In The Sky has evolved over the years. We’re right at the beginning of 2023, and from the sound of it, there’s plenty more to be excited about as the year rolls on, so don’t miss out!

Go ahead and click those links below to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for much more on the way.

Listen to “Speed”


Band Website





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