BAYWUD inspires on optimistic & enthusiastic single, "Back To Life"

Effortlessly optimistic and inspiring from beginning to end, BAYWUD’s newest single “Back To Life” is truly as good as it gets. Read on for a closer look into the track, as well as an update on this artist.

It’s been slightly over two years since we last reviewed BAYWUD and his EP, HOME, but since then he’s been on an absolute hot streak. Coming into 2023 though with something new and special, the artist’s single “Back To Life” feels like a culmination of everything he’s made so far, yet also gives the listener an inkling as to what to expect in the near future. We’ve got infinitely good things to say about it, so please hit that play button whenever you get the opportunity.

Somewhere between Folk, Rock, and Blues, BAYWUD continues to etch out a musical niche for himself that can barely be described. On the background of it all, he’s said this song is “about taking back your power and reigniting the will to live”. He goes on to say “I’ve struggled on and off with depression and anxiety throughout my life. This song is really a fight song to myself. Often, with depression you feel like a ‘dead man walking’, in a sense. It can be very debilitating”. That’s exactly where the “inspiring” portion comes through in this song knowing that this experience is so personal to the artist. Furthermore, we completely think his vivid lyricism could be applied to so many more trials and tribulations in one’s life, especially after the last two years. Break down his words however you’d like, but just know that it helps to know the origins.

As for the actual music portion, he’s gone above and beyond once again in creating this grand landscape and palette for so much to build on. His vocals take center stage in having the ability to document so much, but he’s backed up by an instrumental that has the effects perfected down to a tee. The drums are emphatic, the production is crisp, and it has that anthemic quality about it that would make it translate beautifully in a live setting. We’ve got no complaints whatsoever and are seriously thrilled with the final product, don’t miss it!

Please click those links below to listen, follow along, and of course to keep up with much more on the way.

Listen to “Back To Life”

Artist Website






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