Headband Henny shares his laidback track, "Daydreams"

Evoking a calm and relaxing feeling on his newest song “Daydreams”, we’ve quickly fallen in love with the sound of Headband Henny. Please read on for a closer look into the track, as well as a background on this talented artist.

Currently based out of Kalamazoo, Headband Henny is a 19-year old artist who’s effortlessly blending together an eclectic mix of Lo-Fi Hip Hop with glimmers of R&B. Capitalizing off of a massive 2021, he’s made his return in the new year with a stellar single he’s titled “Daydreams” and it’s just the type of chill we were looking for. If this is your introduction to the artist, prepare for a dose of greatness once you hit the play button.

Compared to his last tracks, there’s certainly been a step up in both production and the way that he’s structured the song. Coming right out of the gate here though, there’s a colorful melody that clouds the senses and that Lo-Fi aesthetic comes through clearly. While the backing beat is quite simplistic, we do feel that the minimalism was a nice stylistic choice to really highlight the lyricism. This song is introspective in taking a look at the artist’s life, but we’ll leave it up to you to make those connections on what exactly is being said.

At just a tad over two minutes in run time, our only true “complaint” here is that it was too short! Not necessarily a ding to the overall song, however we suppose the key to coming back for more is keeping the listener’s interest piqued, which Headband Henny has overwhelmingly done here. We wanted more of this vibe immediately as the song ended, so for now, we’ll be keeping tabs on what else is on the way. Speaking of, we sincerely hope this isn’t the last we see from him in 2022. Great songs like this deserve to be followed up quickly.

In the meantime, we implore all the readers out there to get into “Daydreams” as soon as you can. We’ve provided all the necessary links below in order to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for everything else that’s on the way.

Listen to “Daydreams”


Apple Music


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