Broadtree deliver spectacular debut album, "Feeling Bad. Feeling Better."

Seeing its official release on April 9th, 2021, Broadtree have delivered their debut record, Feeling Bad. Feeling Better. We are loving it! Do yourselves a favor and read along with us as we share our thoughts on the album, as well as a background on the duo.

Formerly known as A&N, the Canadian pop country duo of Armand Antony & Nicole McCafferty have rebranded as Broadtree. Coming together from Toronto and Cape Breton, these two incredibly talented performers found comfort in each other and music during the COVID pandemic due to the loss of their stage productions. Debuting their unique take on catchy pop country set for the summer months, Feeling Bad. Feeling Better. Is a must listen!

Coming in at 11 songs, spanning 40 bright minutes, Armand and Nicole have managed to beyond wow us with this debut record. As it begins to heat up around us, this album couldn’t have fallen in our laps at a better time. Our initial impressions on the record were how lighthearted, upbeat, and imagery-filled it was. Without a doubt, the record relies heavily on personal experience, which is expertly detailed in the songwriting, but they’ve set it to a theatre-esque soundtrack that made it a blast to listen to.

While it appears that the duo have shared other releases this year in the form of an EP and individual singles, we’re beyond happy to see that a cohesive full length has been shared. Not only is it so much easier to get the full message out, but it allows for the entirety of their past years and beyond to be summed up into one 40 minute record. Lyrically though, it is dense at first, but ultimately made our ears perk up when you start to break down what they’ve been through. As “light” as the album feels, it also requires a close and focused listen to really process it all.

Picking out a favorite song would be close to impossible, which is why we’ll definitely recommend starting from the beginning and letting it play on through. “Running Shoes” was a perfect way to start, mainly because you get the shared vocals from the artists and a great overall representation of what the instrumentation is going to feel like until the end. It definitely blurred the lines of country and pop, but also brought a modern feel which is always welcomed. Fans of either genre are going to love the signature style that they’ve put on it as well.

As we slowly start to move back to some sort of “normalcy”, our sincere hopes here are that Armand and Nicole continue to rack up those important life experiences and not stop working on a follow up. We obviously loved this, which is why we’re recommending it, but also are already looking towards the future for more!

With all being said, we definitely suggest giving this multiple streams, you’re going to love it! For all things Broadtree, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Feeling Bad. Feeling Better.




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