Ethan Larsh strikes back on heavy new single, "The Emperor"

Shared officially on March 20th, 2021, Ethan Larsh has returned after a long hiatus with an all new single, “The Emperor”. Read along with us as we share our complete thoughts on the track, in addition to a background on the artist as well.

Following up his 2017 debut album Ethan Larsh Breaks Hearts, Ethan Larsh is back with an absolutely stellar new single, “The Emperor”. Crafting up memorable hooks, upping the energy, and being authentic is what the artist is all about, and it truly shows on this newest single. If there’s any music that’s begging to be played live at the moment, it’s definitely on his newest track.

Right off the bat, “The Emperor” kicks off on an incredibly high note which features a heavy tone, crunchy guitars, rolling bass lines, and a much needed dose of high-powered energy. Comparing directly to the artist’s first released album, we can definitely hear the evolution of sound that he took, and we’re welcoming it with open arms. While we could never be upset with a musician for taking too much time between releases, ultimately we’re thankful that Ethan’s back to making the music we all know and love.

At just a tad under three and a half minutes in run time, “The Emperor” doesn’t overstay its welcome and leaves enough to be wanted at the end of your listen to immediately go back and experience it all over again. Instrumentally it was dense, but also gives a chance for the artist to show off his talented musicianship. Now we’re not quite sure here if all the instruments were played by just Larsh, but if they were, it would be quite the commendable job as everything sounds fantastic. He managed to get the mixing just right where there isn’t a part that overpowers another. Whatever needs to be heard, is getting heard in all the right ways.

Considering that this is his first formally released track in a little over four years, our sincere hope is that the last year has given him the chance to create more that’s on the way. Again, we’d never want to rush an artist, but we enjoyed “The Emperor” so much that we just need to know if there’s more coming!

With all being said, fans of rock and roll with a heavier edge to it are going to eat this up immediately. Even if that’s not quite your thing, we still recommend giving this a listen (and his debut album) a listen as soon as possible. For all things Ethan Larsh, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “The Emperor”


Apple Music



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