The Sloppy Boys discuss new album "Paradiso", Taylor Swift, and quarantine activities

Interview by Austin Sher

Released on July 31st, 2020, The Sloppy Boys have shared their third full length album, Paradiso. We had the unique opportunity to catch up with Tim Kalpakis and Mike Hanford to discuss the specifics of this latest release. Check out the full transcribed interview below:

WWAM: Was the release of Paradiso something that was planned, or was it created during the middle of quarantine as an album to appease the fans.

The Sloppy Boys: No, this was planned and it got pushed because of quarantine actually. Separately though, Jeff broke his foot and couldn’t drum and broke a rib too and couldn’t sing. So it was always the plan to make a third album this year, but, then Earth tried to stop us.

WWAM: Where’d you guys record in Los Angeles?

The Sloppy Boys: Bedrock Studios in Echo Park, California. That’s where we always do it. We go in there and it’s not even a real studio, it’s their writing suite.We get in there for 3 days and crank out a whole album as fast as we can, just playing all at once in the same room. We do like 14 hours a day, they’re hefty. 

WWAM: So obviously things are pretty tough right now, but what would say is your favorite part about this line of work?

The Sloppy Boys: I think, I feel like I’m just sort of not really a real musician. It’s a fun way of comedy out in a different way. It’s just so low pressure and it’s all so new to us. Like yeah, we’ll just put a record out and not put too much pressure on ourselves. It’s a pure indulgence, we don’t worry about how skilled we are. It makes it really fun.

WWAM: What came first? A love for music or a love for comedy?

The Sloppy Boys: Interesting, I mean I was definitely more aware of music rather than comedy. Music is just around so much more. First music I liked was just kind of dumb music. As a kid I just listened to the oldies catalog in the car, loving like the “Monster Mash” or “Splish Splash I’m Taking A Bath”.

WWAM: Even though we’d consider you pretty big in the comedy music space, do you feel that you still suffer from imposter syndrome?

The Sloppy Boys: As a band, no.There is no syndrome, because we are imposters, that’s right up front. I know a lot of writers who have a lot of trouble in their first writers room. But for us, it’s just the fact that we’re encroaching on the world of music which is the fun here. We have no reason to be here and no right to be doing any of this music stuff. Also I’d like to see Beyonce make three party rock albums in three years. In fact, my wife and I (Tim speaking) took a ride up through the Hollywood Hills during this quarantine to check out Beyonce’s insane house. Turns out you can’t get anywhere near it.

WWAM: There’s been so many incredible releases from other artists this year. What are you currently listening to and what have been the standouts?

The Sloppy Boys: Well, our competition is definitely Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga. I don’t know if it was this year or not, but I’ve been getting back into Alex Cameron’s Miami Memory. Also I’m still big on the last Vampire Weekend record, Father of the Bride. I just listened to a podcast with Ezra on it and it brought me right back to the album. I also really like Haim, their third album is really doing the trick. 

With all that being said, we highly recommend giving Paradiso a listen! It’s the perfect carefree summer album for chugging beers by the pool. For all things The Sloppy Boys and to keep up with their latest releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Paradiso




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