Tim Bernardes Debuts "Mil Coisas Invisíveis" at LA's Greek Theatre

Muito bom! Muito muito bom! For those who may not speak Portuguese, that directly translates to “very good!”, which is exactly how São Paolo-based Tim Bernardes’ set went last night at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, California. The show that he put on was immaculate almost beyond words and the crowd was begging for more by set’s end. We were there to experience it all, so please check out our full review and photo gallery below.

Tim Bernardes proved in a 30 minute set that artistry fully transcends language. Delivering his stripped back acoustic in Portuguese, you truly didn’t need to understand a single word of his language to feel the immense amount of passion and love that was being translated on stage. We’ve witnessed countless sets in our lifetime, and usually a lot of them rely on theatrics or stage production to evoke a feeling, but it was just Tim and a guitar up there that had us feeling all of the emotions. If you’ve yet to listen to his music, let us just tell you right off the top that it’s worth the time and energy to further explore his discography.

Having just released his newest album Mil Coisas Invisíveis, we can only imagine that his set swayed towards more of those tunes. We’ve taken the opportunity to listen to it in full and it has honestly gotten better with each listen. The Portuguese language is undoubtedly one of our favorites to hear music sung in due to its true beauty. In fact, we two months in São Paolo earlier this year exploring the local music scene, but it wasn’t until we saw he was announced as the opener for Fleet Foxes that we began to check out his music. We could sense a ton of similarities and quickly realized how perfect of a choice he was for an opening act, but we weren't alone, because the crowd felt exactly the same.

It’s always tough with certain crowds though who could potentially be lukewarm on music that they don’t understand, but the audience this night was in full participation and open arms of what they were experiencing. We can basically guarantee that Tim earned himself some new fans last night, due to the roaring applause throughout the set, and especially when he came out for the encore to duet with Robin Pecknold. If Tim Bernardes is headed to a city near you, don’t hesitate, grab a ticket!

Additionally, we’ve included important links below to listen, follow along, and to stay tuned for more!

Listen to Tim Bernardes




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