The Protected share an instrumentally impressive 2nd LP, "Living The Dream"

Two long awaited years later The Protected have followed up their debut album with an absolute stunner titled Living The Dream. Read on for a closer look into the record, as well as a background on the band.

Formed by Brandon Hahn and Clayton Allen back in 2019, The Protected are an alternative rock band that have completely wowed us with their sophomore effort called Living The Dream. Through a journey of different styles, sounds, and musical influences, they go in-depth lyrically to discuss their struggles through life among other things across the album. From start to finish though, they hold the listener’s interest through clever instrumental passages and intriguing vocals. Without a doubt, it’s a record that we’re recommending and can’t wait for everyone out there to give a listen to.

Coming in at 8 total songs at just under 30 minutes in runtime, we quickly envisioned it becoming a piece of music when we needed a quick jolt of energy or inspiration. For various reasons, the tone of it all feels very nostalgic in its demeanor. You can feel the influences come in from some of the greats like Tachyon Groove and Green Day, however The Protected still manage to create something special and truly different on a sonic level. They kick off the album with “Where Did Those Strange People Go” which serves as a great intro to their sound, but also slightly reminiscent of a Grateful Dead deep cut in some regards.

While it can certainly be classified as alternative rock, we sensed a ton of classic Americana and even some country roots that came out in the instrumentals. The second track for example, “Can You Hear Me Calling” ends on a beautiful solo that feels extra grassroots-inspired and cemented our interest in listening to the rest. We haven’t yet had the opportunity to listen to their debut ONE, however the entirety of Living The Dream has given us the drive to check it out. You hear about the ‘sophomore slump” fairly often, but The Protected have completely avoided any of it, so a massive congrats to them!

For now, please do yourselves all a favor and check out the links below in order to listen, follow along, and of course to keep up with plenty more on the way.

Listen to Living The Dream




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