Richard Berger surpasses expectations on debut album, "Where Did It Go"

Released back in January of 2021, but still as fantastic today, Richard Berger has let loose his debut album, Where Did It Go. We are loving it! Read along with us for our in-depth review on the record, as well as a background on the artist.

Currently representing the Los Angeles music scene, Richard Berger is an indie musician who is a “do-it-all wunderkind” influenced by one man band musicians. Channeling influence from some of the greats such as Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker and Homeshake, he’s created his own brand of sound that can be described as a lovely combination of the two. However you’d like to describe it, it turned out immaculate.

Our first impression of Richard Berger and Where Did It Go were the direct comparisons to his influences. Considering that we keep a close eye on literally anything Kevin Parker puts his name on, our judgements for this record definitely had a higher bar set to them. With that being said though, this record has completely crushed and surpassed any high expectations we had. Seriously, it’s an unbelievably fun and well produced record with tons of psychedelia influence that has high amounts of replayability.

Coming in at 10 total tracks, spanning 26 minutes in run time, it’s a really nice and bite size record that isn’t going to take up too much of your valuable listening time. There’s no wasted space and no place for filler, which is always a treat when it comes to records like these. It would be super difficult to pick out a favorite track specifically, mainly because this is a cohesive album where each song sort of flows into the next track. It’s not that we didn’t have favorites, but you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not clicking play at the album opener and letting it run through completely.

Instrumentally, and especially as a one man band project, you have to realize that it’s literally just one guy making all these sounds and putting it together. We’re always beyond impressed to learn that about artists, but you’ll just have to listen to really get the full effect across here. There’s so many fun little moments, production techniques, and vocal effects, you’re bound to at least be entertained by the end.

The obvious recommendation here is for you to give Where Did It Go a listen as soon as possible. This is 100% a record we’ll collectively be listening to and anxiously waiting for a follow up as well. Enjoy!

For all things Richard Berger, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Where Did It Go


Apple Music



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