Red Devil Vortex craft their own sound on cover of KISS' "Love Gun"

Review by Austin Sher

Shared to the world today on January 20th, 2021, Red Devil Vortex have officially released their all new single & cover for “Love Gun”. Do yourselves a huge favor and read along for our full review of the track, in addition to a background on the band as well.

Representing the Los Angeles Music scene, Red Devil Vortex have just collaborated with singer and guitarist Paulie Z (The Sweet, ZO2) on an authentic cover of KISS’ classic, “Love Gun”. Together they’ve stayed faithful to the original, but also imparted their own signature sound on it. To no surprise in the slightest, it rocks just as hard as the original.

The story of Red Devil Vortex is quite the ride. What started as living in an RV in the streets of Hollywood to then ranking on Billboard’s Heatseekers chart, the band overcame serious cultural shocks, a massive change from their home in Brazil. Since they’ve become acclimated to the LA lifestyle, they’ve consistently been putting out energetic hit after hit. They’re crafting a sound that is uniquely their own and we genuinely can’t wait to see where they’re headed from here.

Speaking directly on “Love Gun” though, we’re personally huge fans of not only KISS, but the song itself which is most likely our favorite. To cover such an enormous sounding song, all the while trying to make it your own, is a large task. With that being said though, Red Devil Vortex have managed to impart their own flavor into the mix, creating a cover that stays true to the classic, but also lets you know that they’re not just copying note for note. 

With the addition of Paulie Z, as well as the members of Red Devil Vortex, we’re incredibly impressed with what we’ve heard. Our bar was set a little bit higher than usual considering our fandom for KISS, but they’ve still expertly crafted a song that is very much their own. We don’t want to give too much away, because we’d prefer you listened for yourselves, but this is absolutely worth checking out for yourselves.

While you’re at, go ahead and check out their 2018 EP, Something Has To Die. We gave it a listen right after our listen of “Love Gun” and we can honestly say that it rocks extremely hard. Without a doubt, we’ll be keeping a close eye on whatever else the band has cooking in 2021. 

For all things Red Devil Vortex, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Love Gun”




Band Website

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