Nicole Alison shares her country inspired debut single, "Troubled Line"

Review by Austin Sher

Released on July 24th, 2020, Nicole Alison has just put forth her lovely debut single, titled “Troubled Line”. Read along with us as we provide an in-depth review of what we thought of the track, as well as a bit of background on the artist herself. 

Originally from South Africa, now based in London, England, Nicole Alison has had the passion of music in her since the young age of four years old. Since that day, Nicole has never put a microphone down and started taking lessons at the age of 11 at a music school called Nu-Song in Pretoria. She has also completed her grade 8 Trinity exam with Merit at Pitch Arcade. Throughout her music career thus far, she’s taken part in the South African Talent Championships (SATCH) where she received a gold medal for her performance. A big career highlight for Nicole was when she got to perform for 500 people at a function where she received lovely comments about her unique and soothing vocals that would always draw listeners in.  Honestly, it’s no surprise she’s received those comments, as our first impressions of her vocal delivery on “Troubled Line” were just how smooth and flawless they were.

When she up and moved from South Africa to London, she has continued her studies at BIMM for her diploma in Vocals and thus carrying on to study for her BA (Hons) Professional Musicianship degree in Vocals. While Nicole is still in school, she’s still found the time to write and record this fantastic new single that we’d very much like for you all to listen to. While listening to “Troubled Line” for the first time, one of the first things that went through our head was how reminiscent of Taylor Swift the single was. By no surprise, that’s actually one of Nicole’s biggest role models, which is definitely not a surprise!

Focusing onto the music, Nicole Alison has really created a spectacle of a single here, especially for her first. The deep sounding acoustic guitars at the opening really set the tone for what you’re going to experience, and once her vocals entered the song, we were immediately sold on Nicole. While the guitar work and vocals are surely impressive, the story she tells in the 4 minute track really sets the overall theme and atmosphere.

Midway through the song, the effects enter and the layered vocals were greatly appreciated and well executed. The joining of voices had us thinking, what’s better than one Nicole Alison? The answer is two Nicole Alison’s singing harmoniously on a fantastic debut single. To top it off, the ending of the song where a sharp twangy slide guitar enters introduced a glimpse of country that took us by surprise, but absolutely had its place in the single. From here on out, we’re fans of Nicole Alison and everything else she’s going to put out. In fact, she’s currently working on a new EP, so stay tuned!

For everything Nicole Alison, to listen to “Troubled Line”, and to keep up with her future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Troubled Line”






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