With a new EP on the way, Miroji share their magnificent new single, "Bad Habits"

Review by Austin Sher

With a brand new EP on the way, Miroji are back with another fantastic new single, titled “Bad Habits”. Read along with us as we break down our thoughts on what we thought of the track, as well as a bit of background on the duo as well.

Miroji are an indie-pop duo from Canberra, made up of Gogo on vocals and George on production. With four singles under their belt and an upcoming self-titled EP, they state their influences as Flight Facilities, Flume, Safie, Glass Animals, AlunaGeorge, and SofiTukker. One listen to “Bad Habits” will make you feel as if you’ve entered a world where all the artists mentioned above collaborated on one impeccable new single.

We had a chance to catch up with Miroji and George (production) let us know he likes taking elements from different genres, using a strong hip hop influence for beats but an indie-pop style for synths, sampling, and instrument arrangement. Gogo uses her 'melancholy folkish vocals' (as described by The Australian Music Radio Airplay Project - AMRAP) to tell stories of travel, love, and longing. 

With their first two debut singles picked up by Melbourne record label 'Best & Fairest', their tracks have been described by critics as 'black magic', 'magical turbo gems', 'warped pop at its best', and sprawling epics eskewing normal pop structures and unafraid to turn in surprising directions'. They currently operate from George's small bedroom studio and last year sent vocals and production back and forth while Gogo was living in London. Their latest single titled 'Bad Habits' was released this past week and is only a glimpse of what you’ll be expecting from their upcoming EP.

If you’re into artists like the aforementioned Flume or Glass Animals, you need to finish up this article fast and get listening. Those are currently two of our favorite artists, so when we read that they were directly inspired by them, our expectations and bar were set a little higher than usual. Thankfully though, Miroji delivered in a big way on “Bad Habits”! To be perfectly honest, it’s everything we want in a song right now. It features flawless female vocals that glide you through from start to finish, unexpected synthesizers and sounds that flourish greatly on a nice pair of headphones, and multiple genres flowing and mixing throughout its near 4 minute runtime.

Considering that both artists in the duo have set skills on where they excel most (production and vocals), splitting up the work and creating the best song possible is really where they’ve achieved a high amount of excellence. As far as indie pop goes, “Bad Habits” is an absolute winner, and we’re not just saying that. This song deserves all the high praise coming its way and makes us even more excited for the full EP coming soon.

If we weren’t Miroji fans before we listened, we certainly are now. After a few listens of “Bad Habits”, we had no choice but to dig into the rest of their work and it surely does not disappoint in the slightest. We really enjoyed “Save Me”, which you should make sure to listen to as well!

For everything Miroji, to listen to “Bad Habits”, and to keep up with the band’s latest releases and info, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Bad Habits”

Instagram: @MirojiMusic

Facebook: Miroji Music

YouTube: Miroji

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