Might be Vero crafts an intricate piece of art on debut EP, "in spite of dim light..."

Coming out incredibly strong on a debut EP she’s titled in spite of dim light… we’ve quickly become enamored with the latest work from Might be Vero. Read on for an in-depth look into the record, as well as a much needed background on the artist.

Currently representing the music scene in Berlin, Germany, Might be Vero’s debut EP in spite of dim light… is a sonic blend of nearly infinite styles and genres. At its base there’s certainly an acoustic jazz mixture going on, but as you listen on and the record opens up, she continues to incorporate electronic elements that are ultimately led by her serene vocals. From start to finish we sincerely enjoyed our listen and cannot wait for all the readers out there to hit the play button once you get the opportunity.

Filled with stories that resemble an “attempt at self-reflection”, among other experiences that are personal and belong to friends, the EP offers a mixed bag of introspections and oddities. While there’s definitely tracks that lean heavily on lyricism like “Halfway there”, our personal highlights for the record was just how immersive and cohesive it really felt. There’s something about Vero’s vocals and delivery that are downright warm and inviting, no matter what she’s saying. Somehow you hang on every word and get sucked into the atmospheric qualities of the production. At just 5 songs that span right around 17 minutes in length, she wastes no time whatsoever crafting a very specific style.

Now we wouldn’t quite describe this listen as dense, as in not approachable, rather there’s so many different little instrumental sections that deserve a relisten. Particularly, we were super impressed with “As dark as can be” and its qualities to keep us guessing what would happen next and the consistent shifts in tone and mood. The entire record is 100% worth your time and effort to give a front to back listen, but we’ll undoubtedly be coming back to a handful of tracks that need further dissection. in spite of dim light… could come off as simple on the surface, but once you give it a conscious and focused listen, you’ll quickly realize that it’s way more complex than it lets on.

For now, please don’t miss out on a seriously fantastic record. We’ve included all the important links below to listen, follow along, and to stay tuned for everything else that Might be Vero has on the way.

Listen to in spite of dim light…


Apple Music



Artist Website

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