Left of the Slash tease another track, "Two Minds One Head" off upcoming album

Finally! It’s about time, but Left of the Slash have just put out yet another stunning single, titled “Two Minds One Head”. Please do yourselves a favor and read along for our review of the track, as well as a refresher on the band as well.

In case you forgot, Left Of The Slash are an alternative rock band based out of  Los Angeles, California. Founded by Stephen Reid Nemeroff in his hometown of New York City in 2005, this band is doing things a little bit differently in which they’re fusing every subgenre under the sun such as psychedelic rock, blues, Indie-rock, punk, and more. Their latest is no different, we are loving it!

As the band continues to gear up for their debut album, WON, which is all set to be released in the Winter of 2021, the singles they’ve let out to the world so far have been nothing short of amazing. We seriously fell in love with their last release “Call On”, but what they’ve managed to pull off on “Two Minds One Head” just has us that much more excited for what we can expect on one cohesive listen of the record.

Winter of 2021 feels like worlds away at this point, but the slow release of rocking singles to keep up satisfied has been a treat as well. Mixing up their sound and hearing the influences from rock greats like Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains, and The Smashing Pumpkins is always a plus, but as we continue to explore their music, the more originality from them we’re able to pick out and focus in on.

On “Two Minds One Head” specifically, it felt like there were a lot more individual vocal passages that showed themselves. Something about it was a tad more memorable as it felt like a lot more “highs” were hit and a new vocal range was uncovered. That’s not to say anything else in their other tracks felt flat, it just feels like there was more experimentation coming out here. Our focus shifted towards the melodies created and less towards the instrumentation, all the while the backing band still showed up in a massive way.

Just like everything they’re going to put from here until album release day, we’ve got no choice but to recommend a listen. Lovers of rock and roll and everything under that huge umbrella can find something in here that they can enjoy. They never leave the listener wanting more as the delivery has been completed on each and every second. Don’t wait, you should dig in now.

For all things Left of the Slash, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Two Minds One Head”







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