Left Of The Slash detail "Never Let Go" and upcoming full length album - Interview

After covering these diverse rockers for months now, we finally got the opportunity to speak with Left Of The Slash all about their string of successful singles and upcoming full length album. Watch our full talk below.

For those out of the loop, Left Of The Slash are an alternative rock band currently based in Los Angeles, California. In our full interview, we sat down with Stephen Reid Nemeroff, in which he took us on a guided tour of their newest single “Never Let Go” and a much needed origin story on how the band has found its final form over the years. This is a chat you definitely don’t want to miss out on!

Now while we would definitely prefer for you to both watch and listen to their latest track, the real priority and message here is to dig into their music as soon as humanly possible. Not just on their newest single “Never Let Go”, but everything they’ve released in general has checked all of our personal boxes for greatness. Blending up psychedelic rock, blues, punk, and more, the influences of Left Of The Slash’s collective music listening imparts its own flavor throughout their sound.

So far we’ve had the pleasure of covering their two recent singles, “Call On” and “Two Minds One Head”. Both have been dynamically different from the rest, but there was something overtly special about “Never Let Go” that hit us in a different way. The plan for the band is to release a single a month leading up to their big album debut sometime around the Fall, so it’s been a real journey getting to experience a different song per month. Comparing, contrasting, and loving them all equally, we confidently think that the full record release is going to make waves within the rock scene. Personally, we can’t wait to witness it in a live setting.

Not to give too much else away here, but aside from the band rocking, Stephen himself was just an absolute pleasure to speak with. Transferring over his wealth of knowledge on music lit up our days and made for a really interesting conversation. It’s always nice to get into the head of an artist when the music they make is something you love. For now though, go ahead and give “Never Let Go” a spin!

For all things Left Of The Slash, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Never Let Go”







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