Lawd P stuns on his highly relatable debut EP, "Paradigm Shift 2020"

Review by Austin Sher

Shared with the world on December 7th, 2020, Lawd P has released an unbelievably stellar debut EP, Paradigm Shift 2020. We’re loving it! Read along with us for our full thoughts on the record, in addition to a background on the artist himself.

For those who are unaware, Lawd P is a hip-hop artist from Brooklyn, New York who’s bringing a unique sound to his style that listeners all over the world can enjoy. On Paradigm Shift 2020, the artist speaks about his experiences during the pandemic and understanding the shift taking place in his life. Complementing the EP, Lawd P has also shared a music video for one of its singles “Glory”, which we’ve linked below.


Before we get to the video though, let’s talk about the music. Coming in at 6 total tracks, with a runtime of 21 minutes, Lawd P has jam packed an album’s worth of ideas, thoughts, and sentiments into one cohesive sound that is without a doubt the best thing he’s released yet. Looking at his past discography, most have been isolated singles or collaborations. However on this EP, this is one artist putting his heart on his sleeve in regards to the themes and experiences being covered. We’re commending him on the fantastic job he’s done with this piece of art.


Productionally speaking, it is flawless sounding. Listening on a nice big pair of headphones is how we’d recommend your first listen through. There’s so much you might be missing otherwise, especially the horns sections spliced in throughout that give it a wonderful city feeling. 


Lyrically, it’s beyond relatable, as we’ve all had our own experiences throughout this pandemic. In this case though, Lawd P takes us through his day to day on what’s changed, especially within his personal “paradigm shift”. Of all the COVID-related music we’ve heard this year, this one definitely stands out as it is personal, not corny or cheesy, and doesn’t rely too heavily on buzzwords to loop in the listener. 


What we’re really trying to say here is that we’re beyond impressed with what we’ve heard on this EP. Truly, we’re looking forward to whatever else the artist plans on releasing in the coming months or years. While we’d never want to rush an artist’s work, especially when they form music based on experience, we’ll just be patiently waiting for the next drop.


Do yourselves a favor and check out this record, you won’t be disappointed. For all things Lawd P, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below. 

Listen to Paradigm Shift 2020


Music Video for “Glory”


Apple Music


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