Katie Wellenberg releases her stripped back debut album, "Root to Rise"

Review by Austin Sher

Released today on July 31st, 2020, Katie Wellenberg has finally unveiled her extraordinary debut album, Root to Rise. Read along with us as we dive into what we thought of the album, as well as a bit of background on the artist herself.

Currently based in Munich, Germany, singer and songwriter Katie Wellenberg developed her musical taste throughout her teenage years and beyond. Growing up listening to The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Janis Joplin and Joe Cocker, her love for blues and rock music emerged and expanded throughout the years. While those artist are certainly rock and roll based, she also is quite into folk and country, which you can easily hear on the album. Being a shy, dreamy kid, Katie kept her new found passion of music a secret, journaling song lyrics and playing with tape recorders to create sound ideas in her bedroom. Already a guitar player at the time, she begged her parents to buy her a keyboard and a set of Congas and started learning the basics of these instruments.

Once she picked up the basics of the instruments, there was no looking back, an artist was born. Fast forward to 2015, when Katie finally decided to go back to her roots and picked up songwriting more intensely. Though she had never really stopped writing, it was in 2015 that she decided to focus all her energy advancing her writing skills, taking vocal classes, and dedicating countless hours into improving guitar skills and gaining an understanding of music theory. A trip to Nashville that same year inspired her to give this newly found old passion a serious go! Since then, it’s only been a forward projection in terms of career for Katie, especially with the release of Root to Rise.

Digging into the music, we absolutely love what we heard on this record. In 11 total songs, it manages to cover multiple genres and genuinely shows off Katie’s vocal range. What was proved quickly is how easily it was to fall in love with her vocal delivery. Specifically speaking, the album opener, “Territory” is a beautiful hybrid of blues and country that shows off her guitar skills, but really focuses closely on the lyrics. The stories she tells within her songs are equally as beautiful as the instrumentation that backs it up.

All throughout the record, there’s layered backup vocals that complement Katie’s voice, and it makes for a really calming and serene feeling that washes over you when listening. Coincidentally, it’s easy to get lost in the acoustic guitar, especially when it’s played so nicely. Overall the feeling that we got from the record is just how emotional and personal it is. The amount of work, dedication, and focus it takes to write and record your own album is nothing to scoff at, and we truly hope you take the time out of your day to listen to it in full.

Whether you’re a fan of folk, country, blues, indie rock, or just are a plain fan of music, this album is for you. It’s an album that you could listen to while cruising down the highway, or alone at night with your own thoughts. There’s a setting for any occasion and we think it should start for you right now.

For everything Katie Wellenberg, to listen to Root to Rise, and to keep up with her future releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Root to Rise




Artist Website


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