Goya shares his sonically pleasing debut EP, "Morii"

Review by Austin Sher

Released on July 31st, 2020, Goya has officially released his sonically pleasing debut EP, Morii. Read along with us as we give an in-depth review into what we thought of the record, as well as a bit of background on the artist himself.

Currently based in New Delhi, India, Goya is an independent music project that initially got its start in 2018. We got a chance to catch up with Goya about his music, where he let us know, “It’s a space where I get to express, emote and tell a story. Although music is an auditory form of expression, for me it is very visual. I can almost always visualize a story, a photo or a scene in my mind when I am creating music. Sonically, although most of the music I make right now is ‘electronic’ in nature, I love to use acoustic instruments and sample organic sounds to create a sonic palette that is unique.“.

Coming in at four total tracks at a runtime of thirteen minutes, Morii was an extremely thought provoking and innovative record that we were fans of based on first listen. The soundscapes and atmospheres that are created here, with such uniquity, made for a satisfying experience that left us wanting more.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, what does Morii mean? Well, The word “Morii” signifies the desire to capture a fleeting experience. It is the human instinct to pull out your camera when you see something beautiful, as if to preserve it through time, although the moment still fades away and becomes a memory. I think at one point or another, we’ve all experienced some sort of sense or feeling of “Morii”. Specifically on this EP, we feel as if Goya was specifically trying to emulate that feeling based on the sounds created.

Diving back into the music, what a fantastic release this really is. While all of the tracks are clear standouts, we especially enjoyed “In The Beginning” and “Mad Scientist”. Both left us either dancing and head bobbing, or trying to pick out each and every little noise that popped up in our headphones. The music almost creates a subtle anxiety without knowing what exactly was going to come next. 

Of all the releases that were put out on July 31st’s New Music Friday, it was too easy of a decision to rank Morii towards the top. We highly recommend you take a moment and give it a listen. 

For all things Goya, to listen to Morii, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Morii

Artist Website




Artwork by Bhumanyu Nehra

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