Katie Ferrara brings awareness on her new single, "On Her Path"

Out today on March 8th, 2021, Katie Ferrara has come firing back with a follow up to her most recent album with an all new single, “On Her Path”. Please read with us as we share our complete thoughts on the track, as well as an insight on this artist.

Following up her 2020 record, Break Free, singer and songwriter Katie Ferrara is back with an evolution of her overall sound. Released on March 8th for International Women’s Day, “On Her Path” is a song about the Global Water Crisis which affecting almost 2 billion people around the world. She wrote this song in partnership with water.org in order to help spread awareness.

With a music video set for release on March 22nd (International Water Day), the effort put into not only the music, but the cause as well, is extremely supportive of a movement that is not getting nearly enough attention.This crisis is disproportionately affecting women in developing countries because they do most of the work traveling to get safe water for their families. It’s been especially tough during COVID because of the pandemic. 

Putting the message aside for just a moment, the released song is phenomenal beyond words. Having had to listen to Break Free because we loved “On Her Path” so much, it’s the clear evolution of where we had imagined Katie’s sound would go. This song feels mature, especially in its context, but also the way that the artist’s vocals are carried from start to finish. With a production that sounds incredible on a nice pair of headphones or speakers, the acoustics reverberate making for a highly pleasurable listening experience.

Having an advanced listen on this track felt like a secret treat. The reason being is that when you know only a select few have had the opportunity to dig in, there’s something that just feels very intimate and natural about it. Katie giving the gift of music today on its release is just going to be so special for women around the world who are celebrating. A song like this that surrounds around an important cause is more than just a song, it’s a movement and push for awareness in a beautiful way. Anyone can make a social media post highlighting the subject, but creating a physical piece of beauty that all can listen to and share around is just that much more special.

As much as we’ve loved this song, we’re also quite excited for the music video that’s set for release on March 22nd. While we haven’t seen it quite yet, we’re certainly looking forward to it. Our imaginations are running wild with the greatness that’s going to come out of it. For now though, we’ll be streaming “On Her Path” and we hope you do too!

For all things Katie Ferrara, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “On Her Path”


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