Jay Tennant teases new single, "Star Chasing" ahead of his upcoming full length album

Review by Austin Sher

Released this morning on September 25th, 2020, Jay Tennant has released his energetic new single, “Star Chasing”. Read along with us for our full review of the single, in addition to a bit of background on the artist himself.

Currently based out of England, Jay Tennant is making waves within his genre. With the release of “Star Chasing”, we feel he’s confidently solidifying himself as a rising star among independent artists. Filled with post-punk guitars, inventive bass lines, and roaring solos, we absolutely love what we heard on “Star Chasing”.

Considering Jay’s two previous solo albums were well received, there’s no doubt in our mind that his impending release (set for 2021) is going to do just the same. If this single is a taste of what’s to come, then we’re certainly looking forward to whatever else Jay’s able to crank out between now and then.

Onto the music though, there’s a serious amount of genre blending going on in “Star Chasing”. We sensed a blend of post punk, straightforward indie rock, that was all encompassed by a dramatic feel carried out. To say the track is a headbanger would be an understatement. With the combination of Jay’s heavier yet clean vocals and the diverse instrumentation that was featured, we can confidently say that we’ve got a winner on our hands.

After listening through a few times, we had no choice but to check out the aforementioned solo albums, From The Far Field and Escape Routes. What we learned is that “Star Chasing” is the obvious evolution of Jay’s sound that we’re happy he’s going in. It feels like he’s taking bigger risks and exploring more with what he’s capable of producing. Let’s just say that the direction he’s going on the upcoming album is something we’re absolutely looking forward to.

With all this being said though, it’s about time you stopped reading, and started listening! We’re highly recommending and encouraging you to take the time out of your day and blast “Star Chasing” as loud as can be. For all things Jay Tennant and to keep up with his future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Star Chasing”




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