Flowgli talks "Leave Me Alone", musical influences, & more!

Back again with a fresh new single titled “Leave Me Alone”, we were lucky enough to bring Flowgli on for a full discussion surrounding the track. Watch our full interview below.

Relentless in his consistent release schedule and consistently putting out relevant and hard hitting songs, it is always an honor to speak with the man behind the music, Flowgli. On his newest single titled “Leave Me Alone”, the artist goes hard once again lyrically, and even added a bit of humor, but has stayed true to his style. Once again, we have to point you in the direction to listen to it as soon as you can.


For those out of the loop on Flowgli, he’s quickly topped our personal charts for favorite rappers of the year. As far as our conversations have gone over the past few months, every single time he graces our presence, we know that without a doubt it’s going to be an introspective look at the way the music industry functions and the never ending qualms that arise too. If you’re familiar with our typical interviews, they’re fairly structured, but we purposely keep it loose and real whenever we know Flowgli is set to come on again.


Becoming a part of his release schedule has been nothing short of an honor, but especially because as each single has been released, we’ve audibly heard the improvements in the production, flow, and overall cadence of the tracks. “Leave Me Alone” is no different, the artist has stepped it up another notch on every facet of the song and it has fit flawlessly into his rapidly growing discography. We’ll go ahead and advise once again to listen to it as soon as possible, it’s sure to brighten up your day.


As far as hip hop music goes, one of the things that has drawn us to the music of Flowgli is his inventiveness and personality that he manages to infuse into every song. Everything that comes out is personal and an in the moment feeling of how life is treating him. We mentioned it before, but the release schedule has been super consistent, we basically treat the releases like an update on his life. The main priority once again is to listen to the track, but if you’ve got the time, don’t miss out on yet another perfect interview.


For all things Flowgli, to follow along, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below. Enjoy!

Listen to “Leave Me Alone”



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