Fearless Liars deliver their long awaited self-titled debut album, "Fearless Liars"

Filled to the brim with raw emotion and inventive instrumentation, Fearless Liars have come out strong with their self-titled debut album. Please read on for an in-depth look into the record, as well as a background on the band.

Made up of Jim O and Sid Slonaker, Fearless Liars are a power duo currently based out of Denver, Colorado. Signed to their own label called Dog Suit Productions, these two powerhouses are putting out an inspired mix of alternative rock and roll and we’ve quickly come to love their self-titled debut. While this is technically their first official record, they’ve been a center point of their local scene since 1999, so you can only imagine the true thrill to now have this original piece out. Honestly, we can’t wait for everyone out there to crank it up and get listening.

Coming in at 10 total tracks, spanning right around 35 minutes in length, the listener can’t help but be immediately immersed into the record with Fearless Liars’ wall of sound approach. Through every song, your focus is continually being piqued by new tones, styles, or evocative lyrics that further bring you into the music. While there were so many moments throughout our listen that we legitimately enjoyed, a major standout had to have been the sincerity and the feeling that you’re having as much fun as they’re having while you’re listening. Truly, you don’t stick around in the music scene for 25+ years if you don’t love every moment of it and that sentiment effortlessly comes through on the album.

Of course we did have our standout tracks like “Always”, “Crash”, and “Southbound”, but the essence of it all comes through in an uninterrupted listen. We instantly envisioned coming back to this record and popping it on during a lengthy road trip, during a workout, or really any scenario that needs a quick jolt of energy and adrenaline. We mentioned the “raw” feeling above, but honestly it’s the vocal delivery that strikes that chord the most as it has such a nostalgic feeling about it. Through decade-spanning styles on the album, it’s built for anyone who wants to time travel to the past or any listener who wants to experience plenty of modernity as well.

Needless to say, we loved our listen, and know you will too! Go ahead and check out those links below to get it playing, follow along, and of course to keep up with the band and the news they’ve got on the way.

Listen to Fearless Liars


Apple Music

Band Website



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