Faae looks within on her powerful debut EP, "rudolph"

Leading with her vocals and an incredibly inspired instrumentation, Faae has completely blown us away with her EP, rudolph. We are loving it! Please keep reading for a closer look into the record, in addition to a background on the artist.

Currently representing the music scene in Orlando, Faae is an indie folk singer and songwriter who has put her heart and soul into compelling lyricism and textured soundscapes on an EP called rudolph. Although it’s a relatively short listen, she’s still managed to create something that packs a punch and becomes memorable for plenty of future listens. We’ve sincerely enjoyed it a ton and are highly recommending everyone out there give it a listen.

On the background of the record, Faae has stated, “I thought it was important to capture the personal realization I had last summer while driving across the country and encountering how much I'd always observed and experienced about life had changed. These songs became a reaction to the doom I felt watching in-action continue to be the default answer to responding to this global crisis”. Ultimately they’re songs that look within and search for change on a difficult topic, however she’s crafted these intricate stories in a way that immediately pique the listener’s interest. You’re immediately immersed into an atmospheric ride of emotions, but we can single handedly shout out her vocals that make that possible.

Through 3 songs that run a tad over 12 minutes, it’s short but it’s effective. You’re undoubtedly hoping for more to follow after her whopping rendition of Phoebe Bridgers’ “kyoto”, which we’ll be honest, was a lovely surprise. It’s a song we’ve held dear over the last two years and heard so many covers of, but her similar voice structure made this fully stand out from the rest. We don’t want to stray away from the greatness of the first two tracks, but as a person making music in the folk genre, really the entirety of rudolph is worth your time and energy.

Please, go ahead and check out the important links below in order to listen, follow along, and of course to keep up with everything else on the way. Enjoy!

Listen to rudolph


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