Galway’s Echo Harte creates his own unique sound on debut album, Masks

Review by Austin Sher

Galway, Ireland’s own, Echo Harte, pulled out all of the stops on his debut album, Masks. Mixing multiple rock centric genres into one, a truly unique and uncharted sound has been achieved in this hour long thriller of a record.

Coming directly from the west of Ireland, Galway to be specific, alternative rock singer/songwriter Echo Harte has experimented in a really lovely way on Masks with the inclusion of musical fusion and diversity. Going even deeper into the lyrics themselves, there’s lots of layers that Echo Harte has uncovered here, speaking directly on topics such as suicide, mental health, gang violence, and poltical corruption. This album screams 2020 to us because of all the things that must have been going on when the album was originally written, we can see that things have only gotten more out of hand since then.

From track to track, there are so many genres that are being touched on in the best ways possible. While this is certainly an album of the rock genre, there’s lots of sub genres that poke their heads out once in a while. You can hear plenty of love in the acoustic guitar, but at times some heavy guitar riffs make themselves present which pairs wonderfully with the heavy lyrics. There are also small doses of psychedelia sprinkled in that kept us guessing on what exactly we’d be hearing that would happen next. 

Normally mixing so many genres into one album can be a difficult adventure, but Masks proves throughout its near one hour runtime that also experimentation is open and welcomed. Whenever I’m about to listen to a record that gets close to the one hour runtime, sometimes I get put off because it can feel like a commitment, however, I felt the exact opposite after listening here. There’s enough directions, talking points, and unique instrumentation that keeps me glued to the music and what’s going to come next.

If you haven’t already, we highly recommend checking out Echo Harte’s Masks, we promise you won’t be disappointed, it’s a really great listen through and through!

For all things Echo Harte, make sure to follow these profiles below:

Listen to Echo Harte’s Masks

Breaking Tunes





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