Alexander James Rodriguez crafts laidback track, "Doesn't Matter To Me"

Coming up on 10 days since its official release, Alexander James Rodriguez is back with his first new single of 2021, “Doesn’t Matter To Me”. We are loving it! Read along for our full look at the track, in addition to a refresh on the artist.

Fresh off his Rising Star Award at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards, Alexander James Rodriguez has come storming back with an all too relatable single, “Doesn’t Matter To Me”. At only 13 years old, this artist is crafting catchy tunes on a regular basis and showing off his beyond polished vocals in the process. Co-written with Alex Jacke and Liz Rodriguez, this single is an absolute winner.

With the music video released on March 5th, a quick follow up from the sharing of the single, Alexander is on the straight path to greatness. It wasn’t too long ago at this point where we covered his single, “Holiday in LA”. From that moment on, we knew that anything he would touch would turn to gold. Having such an accomplished voice from such a young age is only going to set him up for the rest of his life. Obviously voices are always changing, but without a doubt the base is set for more to come.

Coming in at just a tad over three minutes, “Doesn’t Matter To Me” plays like a slow jam that leans toward being vocals forward. While the backing track and complete instrumentation surely isn’t something to kick to the side, we do like how the focus is primarily on the artist and his relatable lyricism. While we urge you to listen closely to what he’s actually saying, the repeating message of the song is that he’s able to brush things aside and move on with the course of his life. Again, being at such a young age and living life through a pandemic hasn’t been nice, but if anything, it’s provided real life experiences that can be translated into song.

While “Holiday in LA” was our first foray into the music of Alexander James Rodriguez, we’re thrilled to be reviewing a song without the holiday touch to it. Not that we didn’t love it, but something non-seasonal like this just proves that his skills and talent can be translated over to something that we’d want to be listening to all the year round. Considering that this single is coming out so early on in the year, our true hopes are that he’s been spending his downtime away from school thinking up and creating new tracks for the masses. At this point, what we really need is more.

With all this being said though, it should truly go without saying that our recommendation here is to hit that play button on this track, as well as do a deep dive on everything else he’s put out thus far. Do yourselves a favor and get into it! You won’t be disappointed in the slightest. Enjoy!

For all things Alexander James Rodriguez, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Doesn’t Matter To Me”



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