Whitney Unveil New Album at No Phones Zebulon Show

What an absolutely glorious night at Los Angeles’ Zebulon, one of the most intimate concert venues in the city. Kicking things off for the evening was a heartwarming and endearing set for the opener, Renee Reed. Setting the tone for the performance was inevitable, but the crowd really did feel a whole lot closer due to the lack of electronics. It all started out with her and her guitar, and while this was our introduction to her music, she made quite the positive impression on us. Honestly, we can’t wait to explore the rest of her catalog.

Now for the main event, Chicago’s own Whitney, who with a new album on the way, treated the fans to an exclusive show that featured all of the new songs off the record. We’ll go ahead and mention it right now, but because the show was strictly no phones or electronics, we don’t have any pictures, videos, or much more information on the record. With that being said though, we’ll be explaining it all to the best of our abilities!

Led by Julien Ehrlich, Max Kakacek, and joined by their insanely talented band, the boys truly put on an unforgettable show. From what we can tell on hearing these new songs live, Whitney might just have their most modern and eclectic record coming to date. We sensed a serious fusion of both Light Upon The Lake and Forever Turned Around, however this new material was even slightly Hip-Hop inspired in a way. While of course each song had its own attitude and feel to it, it still had that signature touch that has fueled our fandom for all these years.

Of course they’ve still included a healthy dose of horns, Julien’s patented vocals, and that slather of secret sauce that never really fades away. Whenever the record may be coming, hopefully soon, we feel that everyone’s going to be in for a treat. It’s always difficult trying to make sense of new songs, especially hearing them for the first time in a live setting, but it’s a real memory we’ll hold forever.

While they did slide in some of their main hits into the set like “Golden Days”, “No Woman”, and “Valleys (My Love)”, the show was directly centered around the new stuff. One last thought to sort of wrap it all up is that if you’re even remotely a fan of Whitney’s music and they happen to be headed to a city near you on this super intimate tour, do not miss out on what’s surely going to be an amazing night!

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