Xkitx enters the scene without debut techno single, "DAY AND NIGHT"

Review by Austin Sher
Introducing himself to the techno music scene, Xkitx has made his debut with single, “DAY AND NIGHT”. We are loving it! Please read along with us for our full thoughts on this brand new single.

One thing we can start off by saying about Xkitx, is this figure is quite anonymous and suspenseful as a background. Normally we’d give a full artist bio, but in this case, we think this review would be best set with a focus on just the music itself. Although there is one quote the artist would like to leave the reader with, “TECHNO LOVERS, TECHNO MUSIC IS ACTIVATING THE CNS AND CREATING AWARENESS, BLOCKING THE AI SYSTEM. HUMANS HAVE ONE LAST CHANCE TO SAVE THE SPECIES. THE AI MAIN FRAME HAS ISSUED AN ABORT AND DESTROY ON XKITX. THE HUMAN RACE IS HOLDING ON TO HOPE THAT ALL IS NOT LOST.”

While it’s meaning might be hidden, it doesn’t quite matter what it’s all about, because the music speaks for itself. On “DAY AND NIGHT” specifically, the track comes in at just a tad under the 7 minute mark, and delivers on each and every second that it’s playing. For a debut, it showcases just what Xkitx is all about, and we’re all about it thus far.

There’s a handful of different sounds, atmospheres, and ideas that the artist has explored on just this single track. By the sounds and looks of it, we can only hope that a flurry of additional releases, whether they be additional singles, EP’s, or albums are on the way soon. We loved what we heard and we need more as soon as possible. While we’d never want to rush an artist on their work, a release like this is begging for a follow up.

While we never want to give too much away, because we’d much prefer you listened for yourself, let’s just say that if you’re even remotely interested in the world of techno music, this right here is exactly where your jumping off point should be. It’s introductory in a sense where it’s easy to focus on the ideals the artist has introduced, and especially for a debut, we’d say he’s in the right place. So what are you waiting for? Get listening!

For all things Xkitx, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “DAY AND NIGHT”



Apple Music

Amazon Music


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