blueBrown shares his extremely unique debut single. "Kingdom Go"

Review by Austin Sher

Debuting his incredibly unique new single, blueBrown has officially released “Kingdom Go”. We were absolutely mesmerized by our first listen. Please do yourselves a favor and read our thoughts on the track, in addition to a background on the artist as well.

Originally from New Jersey, but lucky enough to get into Australia the day before they closed their borders to the world, blueBrown spends his current days road tripping the outback, and beyond, recording outdoor music videos he calls [outSides]. His music is quite individualistic in the sense that it pulls inspiration from 70's rock and late 90's alternative; think Incubus or a progressive Marcy Playground.

On his debut “Kingdom Go”, this is the first official release coming from a batch of songs left half-recorded when he made his break for Australia. With the guitar he built himself and the help of producer Phil Marflak (Phavors), blueBrown was able to finish the recording from his van over 9,000 miles away. 

Now the first thing you’ll hear as you click play is his signature guitar “tapping”, something that we had very little experience, but instantly grew to love as the song went on. blueBrown describes it as “both hands are used on the fretboard to strike notes instead of plucking or strumming.” The artist also performs all drums, bass, and vocals on the track. The lyrics are all his own and toy with the idea of putting someone on a pedestal... and walking away. The chorus is an ambiguous cry of “I can't wait for you” leaving one to wonder if he's implying desire or resentment.

Where to even begin, this track is all over the place in terms of sound, atmosphere, instruments, and so much more; but we loved it! In a musical world that is so straight laced and formulaic, this 2 and a half minute track packed more punch than some full length albums these days. By the end, we were air drumming along and trying to air guitar pick (if that’s even a thing). This song is straight up cool and we need more of it as soon as possible.

For a first single to formally release to the world, we’re happy the artist went with this one, because it’s seriously so different. Blending the aforementioned genres and taking influences from those listed artists is no small feat, but we can confidently say that he rocked it. Considering he’s got those half created demos lying around, we’re going to silently urge the artist to finish them up so we can get another helping.

What else do we need to say here? If you’re looking for diverse, experimental, and thoughtful music, look no further, because this one’s for you. So stop reading this article and get listening!

For all things blueBrown, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Kingdom Go”




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