Vroni Magenta delivers an expansive & immersive EP, "Obsidian Storm"

Putting forth an absolutely stellar new EP called Obsidian Storm, Vroni Magenta has thought outside of the box with this expansive release. Please read on for a closer look into the record, as well as a background on this artist.

Infusing multiple genres spanning from industrial, trip-hop, and electronica, but keeping its base rooted in synthwave, Vroni Magenta’s Obsidian Storm is a masterclass in top tier production and execution. With her vocals at the helm leading the listener through an adventure from start to finish, the leadup to this EP through its single has been a rollercoaster ride of its own. With that being said though, the uninterrupted listen is an amazing experience and we can’t wait for everyone to give it a focused listen.

A sincere recommendation before we get into it is when you give this your listen, to do so with a nice pair of headphones or a sound system. The unbelievable attention to detail in the mix would be completely lost without them. In fact, what really sets Obsidian Storm apart from similar records are the subtleties and atmosphere that Vroni has created. This EP features moments of darkness and an underlying suspense that transcends this from “standard” music to an immersive listen. Undoubtedly one of our favorite tracks had to be “Fly Away” featuring Kelly Brouze due to its ability to have us enthralled in what would happen next and somehow keep us on the edge of our seat. It’s not often music has that effect, but this artist is breaking the mold.

Instead of just having a series of singles that are strung together, Obsidian Storm is a cohesive piece of art that only builds as it goes on. The track listing here was also another important piece of the puzzle in order to keep the flow and that emotion rolling. Through pulsating synthesizers, Vroni’s dynamic and exotic vocals, and a clever instrumentation, there’s legitimately no notes or critiques we could point out. Whatever vision that Vroni Magenta might have had when mapping this EP out has clearly come to fruition and we undoubtedly will be coming back for future listens as soon as possible.

For everyone else out there, please do yourselves a favor and check out the links below to listen, follow along, and of course to keep up with all future releases and information.

Listen to Obsidian Storm





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