TruckerBomb debut their upbeat country rock track, "Irregardlessly"

Review by Austin Sher

Released yesterday on November 20th, 2020, TruckerBomb have shared their debut single, “Irregardlessly”. We’re loving it! Read along with us for our full thoughts on the track, in addition to a background on the artist as well.

Currently based out of Los Angeles, TruckerBomb is pumping out upbeat and relatable country rock for the masses. On the less glamorous side of things, the music of TruckerBomb mixes the dark heart of dive-bar grunge with the up-tempo swing of honky-tonk. The artist himself, Troy Richardson, is crafting his truly unique, yet classic Americana-style storytelling type of music that we’ve been loving so far.

Graduating from Berklee College of Music with a degree in songwriting, he headed West and became an in-demand session bassist and songwriter in other groups before forming TruckerBomb a little over a year ago. Since then, he’s been using his years of expertise that ultimately to this debut release. Without a doubt, this sound is here to stay.

On “Irregardlessly” specifically, right off the bat, it’s a bolt of lightning that hits heavy not only within the instrumentation, but the lyrics and themes conveyed as well. The twang of the country guitar and the riffs presented, paired with the smooth vocals of Troy made for a fantastically enjoyable track that we haven’t been able to turn off since it crossed our paths. 

With the talent, professionalism, and sincerity that TruckerBomb bring to the overall sound, let it be known that we are seriously looking forward to any and all future releases coming from the artists. As astounding as this single was, we can only hope that more is on the way in the form of potentially an EP or album. No rush to the members though, we know music takes time. For now though, we’ll be spinning this on repeat.

For all things TruckerBomb, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Irregardlessly”





Music Video for “Irregardlessly”

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