Supreme Unbeing share soulful single, “Everything’s Unreal (Dreaming Acoustic)”

Last, but certainly not least in Supreme Unbeing’s recent share of bonus tracks is the latest, “Everything’s Unreal (Dreaming Acoustic)”. No surprises here, but they’ve got another classic on their hands. Keep reading for our full review of the single!

For the classic metalhead, lover of rock and roll, or someone who’s just looking to explore the realm of amazing music, Supreme Unbeing are back with yet another memorable single, “Everything’s Unreal (Dreaming Acoustic)”. Fresh off the release of their 2020 record Enter Reality, the band have been kind enough to keep the fans fed with music while they prepare and record their second full length album.

The first thing we’ll say about this newest single is that out of the three that have been released, this one 100% feels the most soulful. Whether that’s stemming directly from the stripped back acoustic guitar and joyous vocals or not, we don’t know, but the final product on “Everything’s Unreal (Dreaming Acoustic)” is everything we’d hoped for and more. Once again, the band continues to expand and explore their sound in a way that’s going to allow them to continue to experiment for years to come.

As this is the last of the bonus tracks for Supreme Unbeing before the next big share, our main question we have to the band is what the next album is going to sound like. While Enter Reality primarily had a singular sound to it, these last three singles have literally kept us guessing on what they were going to accomplish in their direction. Some exploded in sound and stayed true to the metal, while others (like this one) balanced the softness with the sweet and ultimately slowed things down a bit for the better.

While these questions are up in the air for now, what we know for certain is everything Supreme Unbeing has shared with us has been a massive pile of gold. Truly, it feels as if the band can do no wrong in a sense. They keep adapting, experimenting, and churning out goodness that just feels so unbelievably right. With that being said, we’re obviously going to recommend you dive right in. If you haven’t checked out the other two singles, go for those as well!

For all things Supreme Unbeing, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases coming soon, please check out the following links below.

Listen to "Everything's Unreal (Dreaming Acoustic)"


Apple Music







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