Parker Howard soulfully expresses herself on single, "Marfa Dive Bar"

Serving up a huge dose of Texas-based country music, Parker Howard has just delivered another beauty titled “Marfa Dive Bar”. Please read on for an in-depth review of the track, in addition to a bio on this emerging artist.

Released at the end of April 2022, Parker Howard has made a swift return with a lyric driven single she’s called “Marfa Dive Bar”. While it leans heavily on expressive stories and expert storytelling, ultimately she puts herself at the forefront showcasing a dynamic set of vocals that set the tone from start to finish. With help on the production side by P.T. Houston at Off The Row Studio in Nashville, these collaborators have ended up with a final product worthy of your time and effort to listen.

From beginning to end, Parker has effortlessly painted a picture and set the scene of this so-called “Marfa Dive Bar”. As the listener, you’re transported through imagery-filled lyricism that not only creates an atmosphere, but materializes a place you’ve never been. Through Parker’s infinite passion and talents within the country music scene, she’s steadily been rising the ranks and creating goodwill. With a bunch of spectacular singles in her rapidly growing discography, this latest endeavor shows massive growth. It wasn’t too long ago that we reviewed “Take It Like A Man”, but since then, she’s only excelled on the base that she set.

Speaking on the production and execution of it all though, the approach to keep this song relatively stripped back was 100% the right stylistic choice. Instrumentally, it all sits in the rear so that Parker’s voice can be the star of the show. That’s not to say that there isn’t a legitimate mood being set in the background, rather any novelties or gimmicks presented would’ve otherwise taken away from a heartfelt vocal performance. Thankfully, all the right decisions were made in this song’s creation and the end product has left us collectively with smiles on our faces and a bigger glimpse into the life of Parker Howard. The more she releases and gives that first hand experience, the more we fall in love with her music.

With all that being said, please go ahead and check out those important links below in order to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for more news and information. Enjoy!

Listen to “Marfa Dive Bar”



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