Off Wing crank it up on latest track, "Sodium"

With their first release of 2021, Off Wing have come out hot with a brand new single titled “Sodium”. We are loving this! Please read along with us for our take on the trac, as well as a background on the band as well.

Representing the music scenes of Boston and the Jersey Shore, Off Wing are a rock trio composed of Conor O’Reilly, Matt Fitzgerald, and Matt Cloutier that are expertly blending classic rock, early 2000’s alternative, and a modern day surf rock sound. Following up their 2020 debut album, Turtle Rock, they’ve been on a tear since with the release of a couple singles, but we’ve managed to vibe hard with this latest single, “Sodium”.

When we read about their listed genres, we’ll admit we were a little off-put by how that was even possible. However after our first listen they’ve completely blown our expectations and turned us into fans! In just one succinct track, their “rustic distortion and polished sound” is being combined with a sort of lo fi aesthetic, all the while keeping the heart of rock and roll ever present in the song. Whichever way you’d like to describe what you’re hearing, just know it’s ridiculously awesome as a whole.

We’ll admit that this was our introduction to the band with “Sodium” kicking things off, but we’re legitimately going to dig into Turtle Rock because this is a sound that we’re loving. It’s almost hard to believe that there’s this much noise coming from just three members of the band, but that just goes to show the talents they’ve got here. One thing we would like to point out specifically are the vocals here, just wow, a really nice output that is reminiscent of the classic rock and alternative era.

Our true hopes are that with the release of “Sodium” being the first of the year for Off Wing, will there be more on the horizon that we can dig into in the future? Only time will tell we suppose, so in the meantime we’ll be rocking out to the existing discography. There’s sure to be some more gems that will show their heads after a complete listen. Can’t wait.

Get listening, turn it up loud, and follow along with Off Wing by clicking all the important links below. Enjoy!

Listen to “Sodium”




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