Nick Bowen shares his stripped back record, "Silvertone Retapped"

Seeing its official release on April 17th, 2021, Nick Bowen has shared yet another moving record, Silvertone Retapped. Please read along with us as we share our complete thoughts on the album, as well as a background on the artist as well.

Currently representing the Webster, New York music scene, Nick Bowen is a musician signed to Exquisite Noise Records. Having recorded this album almost 5 years ago using his “old beat up” Silvertone acoustic guitar he bought at a flea market, the record has finally seen the light of day after going back to these songs and adding full arrangements to them. 

Our first impressions of the record were just wonderfully stripped back, yet full and rewarding the overall sound was. Full of passion and plenty of clever lyric lines, Silvertone Retapped quickly took us by hold and didn’t let go until the final notes on the album. We’ll be honest though, this was our first foray into the music of Nick Bowen, however let it be known right now that it will not be our last. He’s got quite the discography to dig into, so we’ve got some musical homework on our hands.

Coming in at 8 songs, spanning 24 minutes, the record is about as cohesive as it could be. Featuring bold atmospheric moments that invite the listener to come in and take a seat, there really isn’t a specific song that we’d rate better than the next. The real passion behind the songs makes it seem as though you’re listening to one long story unfold from track to track. Normally we’d like to recommend at least a couple songs to pick out, but we do feel the record would sort of lose its “oomph” if not listened from start to finish.

It should probably not come as a surprise at this point, but this is 100% an album and an artist that we’re highly recommending you check out. While Silvertone Retapped was a great introduction to the artist, we’re still definitely excited to be going through the rest of his releases. We have a pretty good feeling that great tunes are on the way.

With that being said though, please go ahead and give this all the listens as soon as possible. Make sure to listen closely to the lyrics and to really not be distracted as this plays. The artist has put a personal touch on this, and we full respect it.

For all things Nick Bowen, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Silvertone Retapped


Apple Music




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