Los Padres explore sound on dynamic EP, "Skobeloff"

Prepare yourselves for an incredibly fun time, because Los Padres have just shared a dynamic new EP titled Skobeloff. We’re loving it! Read on for our full review of the record, in addition to a background on the band.

Based out of London, Los Padres are an Italian-born experimental band that pulled out all the stops on their EP, Skobeloff. Mixing together an eclectically wide variety of loops, glitches, and grooves, the entirety of this album will have your interest piqued and the feeling like infinite surprises are consistently around the corner. Needless to say, we can’t wait for everyone out there to give this a listen as soon as possible.

Mixing together acoustic and electronic instruments usually tends to end in an interesting listen, but truly what Los Padres have accomplished on just five songs is nothing short of outstanding. Right from the get go on the opener and title track “Skobeloff”, the band immediately throws the listener into the deep end and sonically prepares them for a wild ride. While we do feel like the opener is really a nice overview of what to expect as a whole, our sincere recommendation would still be to listen from start to finish.

As the record is fully instrumental, we couldn’t help but focus on one element of the mix the entire time, the drums. Kicking things off and not letting up, the drums really held all of the power for us on all the songs and kept our hearts beating and bodies moving during the listening experience. That’s not to say everyone else in the trio didn’t pull their weight, because without them it would be nothing, however we’re always suckers for inventive drum fills that were presented here.

All in all though, you can fully expect a psychedelic and endless array of glitchy loops and music that doesn’t stop challenging the listener. We enjoyed every solitary moment of Skobeloff and can’t wait to hear a follow up as soon as Los Padres hits another creative spark. In the meantime though, we’ve included all the most important links below where you can listen, follow along, and ultimately stay tuned for everything else on the way. We hope you love it as much as we did!

Listen to Skobeloff





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