Brisbane’s Jack Manus enters the music scene with debut track, “Dream?”

Review by Austin Sher

Brisbane, Australia’s own Jack Manus has released his highly anticipated debut single, titled “Dream?”. Dive into our review where we’ll dissect what exactly Manus was trying to achieve while breaking into the scene.

At only 21 years old, Jack Manus has spent most of his life surrounded by the world of music and instrumentation. While the song may have multiple meanings, depending on which way you interpret the lyrics, at its core it’s a catchy, upbeat track that deserves recognition on its own. Coincidentally, the song was released on Manus’ birthday, May 28th of 2020. Overall, the sounds that Manus creates are “blends of dreamy and psychedelic synthesizers”, yet the melody is bound to get stuck in your head for a long period of time.

Coming in at a little over 4 minutes, “Dream?”, is a song that’s built for a hot and beautiful summer day. It’s a song I envision listening to while relaxed on the beach or while cruising down the highway in a convertible. It’s light, airy, and breezy, and Manus’ vocals are soothing enough to where it’s quite easy to get lost in the music.

As far as instrumentation goes, it provides enough variance with the amounts of individual instruments used, that the track doesn’t get stale one bit. It sounds like the voice is being put through a vocoder, which is a plus, because it adds a much needed depth to an otherwise pleasurable song. 

Considering this is only the first song coming from artist Jack Manus, we’re unbelievably excited to see what else he has to release. According to him, there are tons of fully written songs, the tough part is recording them professionally. It’s ok Jack, we can wait patiently for them! 

In the meantime, if this review hasn’t made you want to stop what you’re doing and listen to “Dream?”, then we don’t know what will! Grab your finest pair of headphones, sit back in your chair and get comfortable, because now is the time to let “Dream?” take you over.

To listen and follow closely, check out these following links for all things Jack Manus:

Listen to “Dream?”

Music Video for “Dream”



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