Canzino crafts up his newest catchy single, "Broccoli", featuring Nick Jamz

Review by Austin Sher

Released less than a month ago on August 22nd, 2020, Canzino is back with his new single titled “Broccoli” featuring Nick Jamz. Not only is it a catchy track, but a learning lesson as well. Read along for our review of the music and a bit of background on the artist as well.

If you haven’t heard, Canzino is a musician, live-looper, & DJ residing in Vancouver, BC. His official name is Jesus but he goes by Zeus.  His father, after noting the uncontrollable energy he had when it came to playing instruments, put him in classical guitar lessons at the age of 12. Ever since then though,  Zeus has been playing and performing music for more than half his life-time. He sometimes wonders if he would be the musician that he is today if it wasn’t for David Mills, an amazing music teacher in high school that inspired, pushed, & grew his skills & creativity to be a better musician.

Now as much as we loved listening, this song absolutely deserves a background story on it as well. “Broccoli” was inspired last year by the following events when the artist went to a local day festival with some friends and there was a guy amongst the crowd that had a big stock of broccoli and had offered him some. Zeus was confused about it, but he took him up on his offer and took a small piece of broccoli and placed it in his pocket. Later after the show had ended, him and his friends went back to his place to have a post-chill party. While they were talking amongst themselves, he realized he had something in his pocket and then pulled out this small stock of broccoli. They all burst out laughing out of confusion and randomness! It was a great time that was had, and thus the song was born.

After laughing way too hard about the incident, it was mutually agreed upon that a song needed to be crafted up to commemorate the occasion. If that isn’t a fantastic background story regarding the roots and origins of the song, we honestly don’t know what is! With that being said, the song itself is definitely worth a listen from yourself. As much as it’s a catchy tune that you’ll be humming for the rest of your day, it’s also a learning lesson into the vegetable, Broccoli.

Personally speaking, I’ve spent many hours coming up with random subject songs to the tune of an acoustic guitar. In this case though, it’s actually great! Canzino and Nick Jamz really put a ton of effort into the song to not only make it a learning experience, but a fun song to listen to. As crazy as it sounds, we feel as if the track could be converted to suit a children’s show or some sort of learning center that could adapt it into a lesson. It’s got it all, it teaches that Broccoli is delicious, it tells a funny story within the lyricism, and the instrumentation is spot on.

In addition the music, the artwork for the single is perfect! It catches the eye and is unbelievably memorable after listening to the song. After listening, we had to go and check out the rest of Canzino’s discography, which definitely did not disappoint. We thoroughly enjoyed the tracks “RizoBlooze”, “Silly Scene”, and “Mang Oh”. Do yourself a favor and make sure to listen to those as soon as you’re finished with “Broccoli”.

With that being said, stop reading and start listening! For all things Canzino, to listen to “Broccoli”, and to keep up with all future releases and future information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Broccoli”





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