Ben Fairey explores a new realm on cohesive debut record, "FutureNature"

After a slow yet beautiful rollout of his debut record titled FutureNature, the wait was 100% worth it as Ben Fairey has served up something downright lovely and exotic here. Read on for our full review of the album, as well as an update on this always creating artist.

Ben Fairey's debut solo album, FutureNature, is an explosive and fully-visualized work of art that defies categorization. The concept behind the album was born out of Fairey's own experience of relying on digital technology in a rural community, and the result is a “multi-dimensional labyrinth of pastoral and digital musings” that stands in stark contrast to fast-food pop. Honestly whatever label you’d like to put on it, just know it’s going to be a much different listening experience than what you’re used to. Expand your mind and get into this whenever you can.

What's most impressive about FutureNature is its sheer creativity. In an age where the music industry is increasingly focused on production, content, and effects, Fairey has crafted an album that proves that true artistry remains key. It's one of the few fully visualized albums ever produced in contemporary music, and it's a testament to the power of human creativity.

At the heart of FutureNature is Fairey's deep questioning of what human nature might look like in the future. With a freshly cleared head and time to consider the evolution of human connection, Fairey has created a work of art that forces us to confront some of the most profound questions of our time. It's a deeply philosophical album, one that rewards repeated listening and close attention. Despite its heady themes, however, FutureNature is also an immersive experience. Fairey's visuals and music combine to create a world that feels both familiar and otherworldly, and the result is an album that is both thought-provoking and deeply satisfying on a sensory level. In a world where music often feels disposable, FutureNature is a true work of art that will stand the test of time.

Every song is a separate adventure or journey, and while the singles absolutely set the stage for what was to come, the entire front to back listen still managed to surpass our expectations. Keeping spoilers minimal, we obviously recommend you check out the links below in order to get listening, following along, and to keep up to date for all future releases. We sincerely know you’re going to love this!

Listen to FutureNature




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