21 Rising Sync collaborate on instrumentally profound single, "Annabelle"

Review by Austin Sher

Releasing their third single thus far as 21 Rising Sync, this power duo are back with another uplifting track, “Annabelle”. Do yourselves a favor and read along with us as we break down our thoughts on the track, as well a background on these two talented artists.

While they might be new as a duo, these two have quite a bit of musical power between the both of them. Made up of Joey Gonzalez (who we’ve covered many times in the past) and Tom Spakoski, Tom specifically created all the piano and string sections of this beautifully and rich sounding single, while Joey handled the drums, acoustics, and lead vocals. Together as 21 Rising Sync, they’ve created pure beauty.

So the story goes, “Annabelle” was inspired by the real life story of a friend and his struggle to reunite with his young daughter due to a heartbreaking custody battle. Upon hearing of the victory in court and the pure joy expressed for a new chapter starting, Joey inked an emotional tribute for his friend to remember this season of life. The song was named after his daughter. Their story embodies the truest form of love finding a way. Lyrically the song focuses on a fathers love to rebuild what has been damaged over time with hope and love. 

Like so much of Joey’s music, it comes directly from the heart and from real life experience. Instead of manufacturing compelling stories to create faux music, the artist pulls from what he knows best and fashions it into something that can be displayed through his powerful vocal deliveries. Across his discography, it’s quickly being built up of memorable music that’s made to be listened to closely, especially within the lyricism. 

While it looks like songs from 21 Rising Sync are being shared few and far between, we’re definitely keeping our hopes up that more is on the way. Tom and Joey are clearly vibing when it comes to the creation of powerful songs, so whether it takes more life experiences or whatever it may be, we have no problem waiting patiently for what’s next. It’s slow times like these that have allowed for collaborations across the world to surmount to something, so we’re just happy on our end that we’re able to review music that deserves to be heard.

While we highly recommend checking out “Annabelle”, we are also recommending you check out the rest, “Striped Lines” and “Somebody’s Hero”. Both fantastic and both worth your time. However, make sure that “Annabelle” is your first listen as it is seriously fantastic.

For all things 21 Rising Sync, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Annabelle”

Artist Website



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